SifrARN à Bordeaux > Numéro Spécial de Biochimie

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a special issue of the journal BIOCHIMIE as guest editors. It is our great pleasure to invite you to submit a manuscript on the topic of your choice (link with your RNA research preferably) to be published in this special issue.

 It may fit the “mini-review” format (around 5 printed pages, 2-4 figures, 30-40 references) or be a normal length critical review of the literature. Original research papers are also welcome. Articles should of course consist of material not previously published.

 As in the case of normal issues, BIOCHIMIE requires that every paper, including invited reviews, is submitted to the classical peer-review process. The editor in charge will be Professor Bertrand Friguet, so if you are able to accept this invitation, please address your letter to the editor to him. Each corresponding author will receive a printed copy of the volume, and, of course there will be no publication charge, unless you choose to use the Open Access publishing option of BIOCHIMIE.

BIOCHIMIE (IF 4.37) is the journal of the French Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SFBBM). It is published by Elsevier and is widely distributed; ScienceDirect provides an easy access to the Journal. Papers are referenced in PubMed as e-pub ahead of print immediately after acceptance, and in Scopus.

BIOCHIMIE is a hybrid journal, offering the APC option for those authors whose funding authorities require that they publish OA.

Would you please be kind enough to let us know by e-mail to and whether you would agree to submit a manuscript to this special issue? Submissions should be made online ( and should reach the BIOCHIMIE office by (mid-December) 2022.

Sincerely yours,



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